

  1. Shaw R. (2022): Handbook on climate change and disaster, Edward Elgar Publisher, 710 pages
  2. Kanbara S., Shaw R., Kato N., Miyazaki H. and Morita A. (2022): Society 5.0, Digital Transformation and Disasters: Past, Present and Future, Springer, 217 pages
  3. Shaw R. and Gurtoo A. (2022): Global pandemic and human security: technology and development perspective, Springer, 433 pages
  4. Ray P. and Shaw R. (2022): Technology, entrepreneurship and sustainable development, Springer Publisher, 342 pages.
  5. Izumi T., Pal I. and Shaw R. (2022): Safety and resilience of higher educational institutions: Considerations for a Post-COVID-19 pandemic analysis, Springer Publisher, 264 pages.
  6. Pal I. and Shaw R. (2022): Pandemic risk, response and resilience: COVID-19 responses in cities around the world, Elsevier Publication, 518 pages
  7. Pal I., Shaw R., Ichinose T., Yonariza, Oda T. (2022): Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on disaster resilience and sustainable development, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 338 pages
  8. James H., Shaw R., Sharma V. and Luckasiewicz A. (2022): Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific: Governance, Education and Capacity, Palgrave MacMillan, 391 pages
  9. Hua J., Adu-Gyamfi B. and Shaw R. (2022): Considerations for a post-COVID-19 technology and innovation ecosystem in China, Springer, 179 pages.
  10. Sarkar R., Shaw R. and Pradhan B. (2022): Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides, Springer, 491 pages.